
The Sustainable Design Center

Bio-regionally Appropriate Architecture Collaboration and Planning for a Cleaner, Healthier Planet

Marshall Residence

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Firm: Benjamin C Obregon Architect

Project Status : Construction Documents completed in 2009

Project Description: A 3,000 s.f. main house and an 1,100 s.f. guest house. Buildings and garage are placed between the large beautiful mature oak trees to maximize natural cooling and enhance views. Indoor-outdoor living is emphasized with 2 large south facing covered porches. Fiber-cement block wall construction and pre-engineered roof trusses with spray foam at the underside of the roof deck will provide a strong, well insulated home. Low VOC paints and stains, recycled materials, a metal roof, double pane insulated glass windows, low flow plumbing fixtures and a high efficiency HVAC system located inside the thermal envelope will enhance the homes energy package.  Estimates indicate this home should reach a 5 star rating on the City of Austin Green Building Rating System