The electric bill for the new 4200 S.F. home from 4-25-11thru 5-25-11-which includes the water pump as well-was $142.00. This breaks down as follows:
Service available charge – $15.00
Delivery charge $35.88
Gen. & Tran. Charge $91.12
I guess the Gen.& Tran. Charge is the REAL electricity. During the winter months, I can’t recall that we had to put the system on. The house was comfortable. The verandas are a great help since the summer sun hardly ever touches the windows
The temps have been in high 90s to 104 F with no rain. So we are in a real heat wave and have been for the last month or so. I don’t know what the electric bill SHOULD be, but we are not complaining about the cost at this point. Most folks with older houses are paying $400/month. […]